Определите свой уровень владения английским языком:

 пройдите тест из 40 вопросов.

Ключ к определению уровней:

9 Very Advanced  I speak and understand English completely fluently.           C2
8 Advanced   I speak and understand very well but sometimes have problems with  unfamiliar situations and vocabulary.                                                        C1
7 Pre-advanced    I speak and understand well but still make mistakes and fail to make myself understood occasionally.                                                             B2
6 Upper Intermediate I can communicate without much difficulty but still make quite a lot of mistakes and misunderstand sometimes.                                      B2
5 Intermediate  I can speak and understand reasonably well and can use basic tenses but have problems with more complex grammar and vocabulary.           B1
4 Low Intermediate I can make simple sentences and can understand the main points of a conversation but need much more vocabulary.                                B1
3 Pre-Intermediate I can communicate simply and understand in familiar situations but only with some difficulty.                                                            A2
2 Elementary  I can say and understand a few things in English.                     A1
1 Beginner  I do not speak any English.

Ссылка на тест:                  


"PRESENTATION" в англоязычной литературе более широкое понятие, чем презентация. Это практически любое публичное выступление, кроме "speech"-очень краткой речи. Как грамотно составить текст выступления, в котором нет ничего лишнего, но при этом имеется все, что необходимо, и который в максимальной степени отвечает задачам презентации.

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